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Pokemon Shiny Gold (HackRom By_Zel)

Increible mod de esta rom de GBA.Basicamente han portado el pokemon oro a calidad GBA.El pokemon oro pposiblemente haya sido el mejor de todos lo que han salido.Sin lugar a dudas tambien opino lo mismo.Este pokemon esta optimizado para jugarlos en los VBAG (Emulador para moviles symbian de GBA)

Os dejo las especificaciones en ingles:

-Zel (the Creator)
-Enrico Marini (sprites)
- Red (some sprites & some scripting tips)
- Green Charizard for the PC and Mart tiles (editted by me, since I had to make them the same size as in B4), sorry GC, I forgot to add you in the credits in the intro of the game...
- Marz, flipboi, Shurikenway, Erimgard, Went and Raz (testing)
- Neos (title screen)
- Mastermind_X (for the shiny hack, and general advice)
- foullump For telling me about how the bike problems could be fixed... Though now there are more problems involving running... XD
-clonex25 (advice on the musical part)
-Teh Baro (for his guides on some special scripts, and for his guide about level scripts)
-dirk123 (walkthrough)
- Giovanni Boss (SG-Dex)
- ~JIM~ and Rogy, from SP forums (for their Phone tiles)
The tools creators, without them this hack could not exist
The people who had been posting bugs, but not being repeatitive
The people who I consider a part of my Official Staff (see Basic Information for details)

all credits for them.

All you Need is to :
- Have Vbag that support 128k Save Type
- Working with patches (IPS files)
It's a very simple task to work with patches, also commonly referred to as IPS files. IPS files are essentially game patches. They will not work unless you have the original ROM. If you don't have a ROM to patch the game to, you can't play. It's that simple. Also! The PokéCommunity members are NOT allowed to distribute ROMs, so do not ask where to get one.

Assuming you have the original ROM though, here's a simple way to play the ROM with the patch file through the most common emulator for Game Boy, Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance games, VisualBoyAdvance. You must first download VisualBoyAdvance from the official website.

1. Place the ROM and IPS file in the same folder.
2. Rename the IPS filename (before the .ips extension) to match that of the ROM.
3. Load the ROM up. The game should start working.

The efficiency of using this system is that the ROM is left intact. For a more permanent solution, see the alternate method below.

Working with patches (IPS files) - Alternate method
It's not as quick but somewhat more efficient to do. Working with patches using VisualBoyAdvance is not as destructive as this method - should you wish to retain the original ROM, it is suggested to use VisualBoyAdvance only.

IPS patches such as ipsXP are self-explanatory to use, but these are the general steps you'll need to take.

1. Load the patch application up.
2. Click the "Apply Patch" (or similar) button.
3. Select the IPS you wish to use and click Open.
4. Select the ROM you wish to apply the patch to.
5. Load the ROM up. It should then work and changes are permanently applyed to the ROM. You may delete the IPS file as it will no longer be needed.

This ROM is Based On Pokemon Fire Red
so you have to download Pokemon Fire Red For GBA then Run The Lunar IPS, and then patch the .ips file to the Pokemon Fire Red ROM
Once it say PATCH was success, now copy it to your phone

Compatible con:

Moviles symbian con emulador de GBA VBAG


5 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Genial tu pagina, ojala que te vaya bien con los votos!.

Anamie dijo...

bueno, no me quejo.Hay pocos pero entra mucha gente asique algunos si tengo ;)

Anónimo dijo...

ps klaro q si, eres el mejor y t mereces todo, ademas de tener una mente privilegiada para estos menesteres. t kiero lita!

victor dijo...

disculpa tengo un samsung gt-s3350
cres que aya un mod para que funcione el vBag en java

agradeceré tu respuesta

victor dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.